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The mind and body are

amazingly interconnected.

Dr. Yukari Makino has training in various somatic touch therapies, including Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Kathy Kain’s Somatic Resilience and Regulation(SRR), Body-Connect-Therapy, Dohsa-ho, and Tapping Therapy.


Dr. Yukari Makino adds Shiatsu, which she has learned through Japanese cultural experience sin.


Somatic Resilience and Regulation (SRR) — Nurturing Resilience —

For Early Developmental Trauma

Developed by Somatic Experiencing Practitioners Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell, Somatic Resilience and Regulation(SRR) is a therapy that focuses on understanding the effects of trauma during early development.

Somatic Resilience and Regulation(SRR) focuses on understanding the effects of Developmental Trauma on the child as well as the developing adult. This cutting-edge program opens the door to working in the milieu of nonverbal trauma. By understanding the neurochemistry of early trauma and rebuilding developmental platforms through regulation, clients begin to move from a high-cost-of-doing-business system to a smoother and less stress-oriented system.

You can learn more about Kathy Kain :


At SRR training held in Japan, Yukari Makino assists participants as an assistant.

— This therapy is not talk therapy at all.

Kathy Kain – Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma


Yukari Makino will further incorporate SE touch, Polarity techniques, and CRM concepts to not only regulate your nervous system but also help you integrate on many levels.

Only In-person Session / 50 minutes 190-250 USD

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